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Frequently asked questions

What are the typical closing rates?
Expect a 5% to 30% closing ratio from our leads. Higher closers are extremely aggressive in contacting borrowers immediately after receiving leads. They send blanket emails acknowledging their awareness of borrowers' need for assistance, and follow up immediately via email when prompted. We've found that mortgage professionals who cannot always respond to borrowers' mortgage quote requests promptly tend to fall behind.


Leads start at $30 per lead based upon volume ordered. All leads are available for the entire United States. Mortgage professionals who require filtering will incur an additional $5 per lead, per filter (filters include specific credit types, LTV, or specific loan types).


How many brokers/lenders will be sold the same lead?
Our leads are only sold to one lender. 


How are leads delivered?
The leads are sent in MS Excel format via email each day.


What is your return policy?
Although we try our best to pre-qualify leads, occasionally a bad lead will be sold. Simply email back that lead and we will credit you for another lead. A bad lead contains bogus contact information, lack of contact information, or is a duplicate lead. Bad leads must be returned within 48 hours of receipt, with an explanation.


How fresh are the leads?
Less than 24 hours old (except for weekends and holidays).


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